"The night is the time for memory, for contemplation, for the emotions to awaken."
- Sir Walter Scott

Nightscapes: Transforming landscapes

…as the night falls; bossoms unfurl, water features awaken, and luminous foliage adorns the trees, while root-like patterns ensare surfaces from above. As from the dark landscape new forms emerge this slow metamorphosis of the landscape unveils a hidden world, inviting visitors to embark on a journey of discovery and wonder…

Walking acoss the low foilage large intreacte forms appear

nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

the dense moss, rich with moisture, is a perfect growing medium for iceland’s many species of mushrooms. experienced mushroom hunters know to visit their favorite spots a few days after it rains to find the biggest variety.


Walking acroos the foilage is getting denser and taller… Little beetle like shapes emerge above the foliage

These lights are designed to celebrate the fragile beauty and indispensable presence of insects in our gardens and in our ecosystem. Each piece is resting at a different level adapting to the foliage beneath. As each piece rises above the canopy each shows its unique pattern from another but yet together fostering a sense of interconnectedness where one can’t be without the other.

Near the wetlands smooth rock like forms appear with great details of intreacy telling tales

iceland’s geothermic pools and black sand beaches create stunning compositions from the air. both are created by the island’s constant volcanic activity.

natural beauty in its rawest form

background texture of beach

the sun’s angle at this latitude produces deep and contrasty colors, drawing out the blacks in the volcanic soil and saturating the greens from the grasses and moss.

The instalation is composed of pieces that appear to be a natural part of the tree. The rhythmic placement of each piece allows the whole to come togetheras a harmonious vision, creating a beautiful and intriguing setting.